
Bachelor of Ministry - BMin


The Bachelor of Ministry has been designed to provide a broad theoretical foundation and exposure to skills necessary for rigorous engagement in the respective study field and the relevant work environment. The Bachelor of Theology prepares persons for the Cognitive, Emotional, Psychological, Spiritual, demands of Christian Leadership within the Southern African / African Context. This programme is appropriate for:  

  • School Leavers who are persuaded that they are called to Christian Service and wish to be prepared for the rigours associated with a career in Christian Service.
  • Emerging Leaders who wish to pursue rigorous theological training for service in the body of Christ such as Children / Youth / Young Adults Workers, Music / Men / Women’s Ministry.
  • Current Christian Leaders serving in Missions / Market Place / Church Ministry who wish to be thoroughly equipped for Christian Ministry irrespective of their area of influence.
  • Persons who are not necessarily persuaded that they are called to Christian Service in any capacity but who wish to develop themselves through rigorous theological engagement.

The programme incorporates lectures, tutorials, research and practical sessions, and provides a basis for knowledge, skills, character and spiritual development implicit in Christian Leadership formation. 

Mode of Delivery

The programme is offered via Contact Mode that may or may not be supported by technology. In addition, the programme may be undertaken Full Time or Part Time.

During Full Time study a maximum of five (5) modules may be completed per semester. Part Time study takes place from 18:00 - 22:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Duration of Study

This programme requires a minimum of four (4) years Full Time academic study and five (5) years Part Time academic study. A maximum of six (6) years for Full Time and seven (7) years for Part Time academic study applies.


This programme consists of 480 credits which translates to roughly 4800 notional hours of study and meets the minimum entry requirements for admission to a cognate Master’s Degree. It is one of the few theological programmes in the Republic of South Africa that exits at the equivalent of an Honours Degree - NQF 8.



Admission Requirements

The admission requirements apply to students who apply for admission to Cape Town Baptist Seminary with a National Senior Certificate (NSC) - NQF 4, Independent Examination Board (IEB) qualifications or an equivalent qualification. The minimum requirements for admission with these programmes include an endorsement to be admitted to Bachelor’s Degree level study. Pre-2008 Senior Certificate Exemption may also be considered for admission to the respective programme. 

The Cape Town Baptist Seminary will also consider applications from persons with the following qualifications provided they meet the minimum requirements and subject combinations where applicable:

  • School of Tomorrow (SOT)
  • Accelerated Christian Education (ACE)
  • General Education Development Test (GED)
  • Cambridge International
  • National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV) Level 4

International students who have completed High School outside of the Republic of South Africa are required to submit Verification of their Qualifications by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). The minimum requirements for admission to this programme by students in this category is a SAQA verified NQF 4 qualification.

Information related to the process for Evaluating Foreign Qualifications are outlined on this SAQA web page. The online application for the Evaluation of Foreign Qualifications can be accessed HERE.  You will be required to register as a new user, after which you may proceed with your application for the Evaluation of your Qualification.

For Evaluation of Foreign Qualifications Enquiries

Phone:  +2712 431 5070 - Evaluation of Foreign Qualifications 
Phone:  0860 111 673 - Helpdesk 
Phone:  +2721 431 5000 - Switchboard
Fax: +2721 431 5147


The Seminary is able to acknowledge prior learning, whether formal, informal or non-formal, in accordance with the Institutional Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy based on guidelines provided by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and in keeping with the same issued by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

Any prior accredited studies in theology will be evaluated for possible credit towards the Higher Certificate in Christian Leadership in accordance with the Institutional Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) Policy.


This programme constitutes the following modules at the time of publication:

Biblical Background and Canon

Introduction to Biblical Languages

New Testament Introduction

Old Testament Exegesis

New Testament Exegesis

Advanced NT Greek (Elective)

Overview of Christian Doctrine

Pneumatology & Revelation

Christology & Soteriology

Demons, Angels & Theodicy

Trends in Theology / Apologetics

Research Methodology: Mini-thesis Proposal

Intro to Practical Theology & Christian Ed

Church Administration

Christian Leadership

Early Church History

RSA Church History & Baptist Church History

Theology of Missions


Church Planting Methodology

Hermeneutics and Precepts

Old Testament Introduction

Old Testament Theology

New Testament Theology

Intro to New Testament Greek (Elective)

Intro to Biblical Hebrew (Elective)

God & Creation

Ecclesiology & Eschatology

Baptist Principles & Ethos

Christian Ethics

Higher Education Literacy

Research Project: Mini Dissertation

Spiritual Formation



Reformation History

Introduction to Missions

Marginal Religious Movements

Comparative Religious Movements

Urban Evangelism

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